Posts tagged with fdo
- Aug, 2017
GSoC part 15: submission
GSoC part 14: final code changes
GSoC part 13: I solved global warming!
GSoC part 12: the finishing touches
GSoC part 11: all large features are done!
- Jul, 2017
GSoC part 10: finishing the button stack page
GSoC part 9: the button stack page
GSoC part 8: the LED stack page
GSoC part 7: the resolutions stack page
- Jun, 2017
GSoC part 6: progress!
GSoC part 5: exams
GSoC part 4: the first sprint
GSoC part 3: mockups, mockups, mockups!
- May, 2017
GSoC part 2: community bonding
GSoC part 1: an introduction!